MySQL interview Questions

  1. What's MySQL ?
  2. What is DDL, DML and DCL ?
  3. How do you get the number of rows affected by query?
  4. If the value in the column is repeatable, how do you find out the unique values?
  5. How do you return the a hundred books starting from 25th?
  6. You wrote a search engine that should retrieve 10 results at a time, but at the same time you’d like to know how many rows there’re total. How do you display that to the user?
  7. How would you write a query to select all teams that won either 2, 4, 6 or 8 games?
  8. How would you select all the users, whose phone number is null?
  9. What does this query mean: SELECT user_name, user_isp FROM users LEFT JOIN isps USING (user_id) ?
  10. How do you find out which auto increment was assigned on the last insert?
  11. What does –i-am-a-dummy flag to do when starting MySQL?
  12. On executing the DELETE statement I keep getting the error about foreign key constraint failing. What do I do?
  13. When would you use ORDER BY in DELETE statement?
  14. How can you see all indexes defined for a table?
  15. How would you change a column from VARCHAR(10) to VARCHAR(50)?
  16. How would you delete a column?
  17. How would you change a table to InnoDB?
  18. When you create a table, and then run SHOW CREATE TABLE on it, you occasionally get different results than what you typed in. What does MySQL modify in your newly created tables?
  19. How do I find out all databases starting with ‘tech’ to which I have access to?
  20. How do you concatenate strings in MySQL?
  21. How do you get a portion of a string?
  22. What’s the difference between CHAR_LENGTH and LENGTH?
  23. How do you convert a string to UTF-8?
  24. What do % and _ mean inside LIKE statement?
  25. What does + mean in REGEXP?
  26. How do you get the month from a timestamp?
  27. How do you offload the time/date handling to MySQL?
  28. How do you add three minutes to a date?
  29. What’s the difference between Unix timestamps and MySQL timestamps?
  30. How do you convert between Unix timestamps and MySQL timestamps?
  31. What are ENUMs used for in MySQL?
  32. How are ENUMs and SETs represented internally?
  33. How do you start and stop MySQL on Windows?
  34. How do you start MySQL on Linux?
  35. Explain the difference between mysql and mysql interfaces in PHP?
  36. What’s the default port for MySQL Server?
  37. What does tee command do in MySQL?
  38. Can you save your connection settings to a conf file?
  39. How do you change a password for an existing user via mysqladmin?
  40. Use mysqldump to create a copy of the database?
  41. Have you ever used MySQL Administrator and MySQL Query Browser?
  42. What are some good ideas regarding user security in MySQL?
  43. Explain the difference between MyISAM Static and MyISAM Dynamic. ?
  44. What does myisamchk do?
  45. Explain advantages of InnoDB over MyISAM?
  46. Explain advantages of MyISAM over InnoDB?
  47. What are HEAP tables in MySQL?
  48. How do you control the max size of a HEAP table?
  49. What are CSV tables?
  50. Explain federated tables. ?
  51. What is SERIAL data type in MySQL?
  52. What happens when the column is set to AUTO INCREMENT and you reach the maximum value for that table?
  53. Explain the difference between BOOL, TINYINT and BIT. ?
  54. Explain the difference between FLOAT, DOUBLE and REAL. ?
  55. If you specify the data type as DECIMAL (5,2), what’s the range of values that can go in this table?
  56. What happens if a table has one column defined as TIMESTAMP?
  57. But what if you really want to store the timestamp data, such as the publication date of the article?
  60. Explain TIMESTAMP DEFAULT ‘2006:09:02 17:38:44? ON UPDATE CURRENT_TIMESTAMP. ?
  61. If I created a column with data type VARCHAR(3), what would I expect to see in MySQL table?
  62. General Information About MySQL
  63. What Is MySQL
  64. y SQL is a database management system.
  65. MySQL is a relational database management system.
  66. MySQL is Open Source Software.
  67. Why use MySQL?
  68. The technical features of MySQL
  69. The Main Features of MySQL
  70. Database Basics
  71. MySQL Command Interpreter
  72. Installing a MySQL Binary Distribution
  73. MySQL - Quick Installation Overview
  74. MySQL - MySQL Extensions to ANSI SQL92
  75. MySQL - Running MySQL in ANSI Mode
  76. MySQL - Functionality Missing from MySQL
  77. MySQL - Sub-selects
  78. MySQL - Transactions
  79. How does one use the features of MySQL to maintain rigorous integrity and how do these features compare with the transactional paradigm?
  80. MySQL - Stored Procedures and Triggers
  81. MySQL - Foreign Keys
  82. MySQL - Reasons NOT to Use Foreign Keys constraints
  83. MySQL - `--' as the Start of a Comment
  84. MySQL - Views
  85. What do you think will happen when the value of payment is negative?
  86. MySQL - How to Cope Without COMMIT/ROLLBACK
  87. MySQL - General Security
  88. How to Make MySQL Secure Against Crackers ?
  89. MySQL - Startup options to mysqld which concerns security ?
  90. MySQL - What the Privilege System Does
  91. MySQL - Keeping Your Password Secure
  92. MySQL - How the Privilege System Works
  93. MySQL - Access Control, Stage 1: Connection Verification
  94. MySQL - Access Control, Stage 2: Request Verification
  95. MySQL - When Privilege Changes Take Effect
  96. MySQL - Setting Up Passwords
  97. MySQL - Causes of Access denied Errors
  98. Replication in MySQL
  99. MySQL - Replication Implementation Overview
  100. MySQL - HOWTO
  101. MySQL - Replication Features and known problems
  102. MySQL - SQL Commands Related to Replication
  103. MySQL - Replication FAQ
  104. MySQL - Troubleshooting Replication
  105. MySQL - Optimization Overview
  106. MySQL - System/Compile Time and Startup Parameter Tuning
  107. MySQL - Disk Issues
  108. MySQL - Using Symbolic Links for Databases and Tables
  109. MySQL - Tuning Server Parameters
  110. MySQL - Table Locking Issues
  111. MySQL - Get Your Data as Small as Possible
  112. MySQL - Speed of Queries that Access or Update Data
  113. MySQL - Estimating Query Performance
  114. MySQL - Speed of SELECT Queries ?
  115. MySQL - Speed of INSERT Queries ?
  116. MySQL - Speed of UPDATE Queries ?
  117. MySQL - Speed of DELETE Queries ?
  118. MySQL - Other Optimization Tips
  119. MySQL - Using Your Own Benchmarks
  120. MySQL - Design Choices
  121. MySQL - Portability

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