Thursday, August 18, 2016

Tips For AngularJS

Using "ControllerAs"
= Allows to create named scope on the controller.
    Ex. : <div ng-app="app" ng-controller="AnimalCtrl as animal"> <div>
= Instead of defining variables or functions on the $scope, we define it on “this” within the controller function. $scope can be avoided.
               Ex.: app.controller("AnimalCtrl", function(){
                this.survive= function(){
= Can be used to share data between controllers.
Similar ways of sharing data between controllers:
1. Using Services. [The most preferred way compared to the other below ways]
2. Using events
3. Using 
$parentnextSibling,  etc. to directly access the controllers
4. Using the 
$rootScope to add the data on (not a good practice)  
Usage of "controllerAs"
1. No need to use $scope in your controller;
<div ng-controller="MainController as main">  
  {{ main.someProp }}
app.controller('MainController', function () {  
  this.someProp = 'Some value.' 
// the above is equal  to $scope.MainController = this; this.someProp = 'Some value.' 
2. Can share data between two controllers; the values in both the text boxes update as we change either the child controller text or parent controller text box.
<div ng-controller="ParentController as parent">  
  ParentController: <input type="text" ng-model="" /> {{ }}
  <div ng-controller="ChildController as child">
    ChildController: <input type="text" ng-model="" /> {{ }}
  .controller('ParentController', function () { = "bar";
  .controller('ChildController', function () { /*empty*/ });

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